Wednesday 21 July 2010

Useless Split-Second Reflexes

Took a bad fall yesterday. Slipped on wet floor while holding a mug. Instinctively cradled the mug to prevent it from shattering, instead of chucking it aside so I could use both arms to steady myself or grab hold of something to catch my balance.

Bawled my eyes out for a good half hour because it hurt like hell and it was just a shitty conclusion to an already bad day (woke up with bad allergies; a friend's pet, one of the sweetest dogs I know, passed away suddenly; had to wait forty-five minutes for a wound inspection, just to have the doctor do a completely shit job of dressing it).

Until I remembered my last remaining Reese's peanut butter cup of a pack of eight that the skinny sent me. Dried my tears and hobbled off in search of it. And then took my sweet time (pun unintended) savouring it. So much happier after!

For illustration purposes only - got the pack of eight snack-sized ones, but well, you get the point...

However today I am stiff as fuck all over, and wondering why I even bothered with that ugly mug that was a freebie item a shitty ex gave me and I never even really liked. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

In other news I've deactivated my Facebook account. Got kinda fed up of seeing the mindless menial updates (it gets that way if you have Facebook friends who can do multiple updates about the same stupid attention-seeking shit for two days in a row) and the meaningless social commentaries, and am in one of my anti-social moods at the moment, so just got rid of that shit when I finally had access to a computer, on Sunday.

The liberation! Although I think I'll be back on it soon enough, especially now I'm aching like hell and mostly bed-bound with nothing better to do.


David said...

Me thinks some mild med like Ibruprofen would benefit the aches and swelling that come with such a fall.

Allowing any inflammatory response to continue untreated can prolong your recovery.

Unless you broke something, pulled a muscle, strained a tendon or something similar, moving and walking will help the healing process. That and not walking on slippery floors.

Get well soon.


xoxo said...

Maybe you should try making your own.. Make peanut butter balls and coat them with melted milk chocolate. Heavenly! Some more can have crunchy peanut bits inside~

Kelly said...

it has been a long time since i last read ur blog. uve changed it!! and got rid of all ur old entries. wadeva it is..i hope u r fine. u sound v upset lately.

hang out wif a few close frens wud do u some gud. ;)