Friday 23 July 2010


Had another run-in with two psychotic females last night. Can't say it was fun, but at the very least it was interesting, if a tad disturbing.

We'll call crazy cunt #1 Tee, and crazy cunt #2 Pee, for the sake of convenience here aye? Alright, story time. See, this individual we have designated the name Tee to instigated a goddamn stupid fight with me like two, three weeks ago, and got a hearty slap back in the face for just being a stupid, vindictive, spiteful bitch trying to pick a fight for no fucking reason aside from having a screw loose in the head.

For those who've seen her and are doubtful that such a (questionably) sweet-looking li'l thing's just plain mentally imbalanced... Well, this one has a penchant for getting knocked up in order to entrap men into staying with and hopefully, marrying her (true story, same shit's happened with a few unfortunate idiots - plan major phail it seems, considering she's not hearing them wedding bells yet, boo hoo hoo). Apparently life's all about tying down a man and getting hitched. And that after making quite the reputation for herself at a certain university for being quite the wanton whore (first time I saw her, someone casually said, "Oh that one, percuma to everyone one."). Sheer genius mentality.

So last night, Pee (very apt name for this one, methinks), who happens to be Tee's more screwed-up-in-the-head Muslim sister (not that I've a bone against the religion, but converting and then acting contrary to religious teachings is just fucking lame), confronted me despite me not feeling particularly in the mood for more shit from these nutsos. Tried to just walk away, but she attempted the infantile hair-yanking bullshit. Very, very ladylike. Nice.

Later on, after sending a friend home, guess who shows up at said friend's residence? No prizes for getting this one right. The crazy duo strikes! They do the hysterical ballistic female thing, and then proceed on to sheer violence on everyone present - blood was everywhere, and at one point Tee had to be dragged out, screaming and kicking and flailing on the floor like a spoilt child that mummy didn't want to give sweeties to. While Pee alternated between giving the evil eye and attempting to inflict grievous bodily harm on all at the same time. To cut a long, painful story short, the police and residence guards had to be called in order to vacate those mad, mad women.

Edit: Hmm. Just remembered something. Just to illustrate how seriously fucked up things were, watch this video - probably the best reproduction of Tee's I-am-crazy-spoilt-brat act:

Imagine that kid. But female. And one in her mid-twenties. With an equally fucked-up accomplice attacking everyone in a remarkable impression of a dog with rabies. Yeap. You probably get the picture now. Very pretty sight, no?

I thought I was a little mental, these crazies put me to shame, LOL. You guys want a trophy for that?

And there I was, pitying these two. Figured a shitty upbringing and/or life circumstances made them the way they are. Apparently that's misplaced sympathy. One's cuckoo and the other's just a fucking waste of oxygen. Their parents must be so proud of them, being this way.

Come think of it, all that shit would be really hilarious, bar all the physical damage. Escorted out by irate policemen and security guards... after the whole clawing, howling cat act and the screaming on floor scene. Where's your fucking dignity, you bloody idiots? Fucking disgrace to the fairer sex.

Oh, and rather ironically, teapees just happens to be American slang for toilet paper. A pretty suitable term, if you think about it. But not the nice clean indispensable stuff you gladly praise heaven for when you realise your toilet's well-stocked with them - more like the crap-covered used papers that nobody will touch with a ten-foot pole, sewage guy aside.

You two should just go play in traffic, you dumb cunts. What a way to show the world that you both are just fucking psychos.



KY said...

hahah give trophy only!

CreativeBitchin said...

ky: already awarded after garnering unanimous agreement of the general public in regards to dysfunctional mental state of said people. ho ho.

Anonymous said...

wow u're a mess then..poor thing =(

xoxo said...

Drama!! Low life sampah masyarakat! zZz... Seriously an embarassment to us women...

CreativeBitchin said...

anonymous 23 july 2010 23:19: ah it's not too bad. with two younger sisters, kinda grew up dealing with angry female behaviour haha. just really annoyed at the moment.

jenny: tell me about it. madwomen like this give those of the XX chromosome a bad name. bleargh.

CreativeBitchin said...

anonymous 25 july 2010 14:43 (comment excerpt: "what actually happens until it got that bad?"):

thank you for the first comprehensible troll/flamer comment today! very refreshing, unfortunately i can't approve your comment either because it actually violates the defamation act. i'll file it (along with your ip addy) for future reference though. i'm sure certain authorities would be pretty interested.

in response to your question... well actually, pee has quite the reputation for causing trouble, and is infamous for her lack of uh... mental stability.

as for calling her names and all - i only did so beginning the day she attempted to instigate a fight with me. and even so, it was just pretty much an observation, shared by many, actually. go ask around, you'll find that many will concur.

as for flirting - refer to response to previous comment. and honey, seducing a man is for amateurs. i was never one to do much of the chasing, i so much prefer it for others to expend that time and effort on moi.

you did kinda crack me up with the "femme fatale" remark though. why thank you, i didn't i had the charms to qualify as one! =)

allan sim kim ho: why hello! you're the fella trying to follow me on twitter! however, i regret to inform you that i am not approving anyone i do not personally know.

that said, you may have a trophy too, for being the most mindless comment i've received today.

you contradict yourself with your comment to jenny. no, she wasn't there. but were you?

dumb fuck. comment not approved for its sheer stupidity.

phew. damn long reply here today. i love trolls and flamers hahaha... easy targets for verbal sparring, on MY domain, where i get to play god. and with every comment i get, more revelatory information i obtain. such fun!

what took you guys so long anyway? this post has been up a few days already eh.

CreativeBitchin said...

anonymous 24 July 2010 23:49 (with the comment excerpt: "or maybe it's an embarrassment for women"):

sorry. your comment will not be approved because

(a) my inner grammar nazi is offended by the atrocious use of the english language (you kinda lost me at the usage of the word "haute" - a french word, meaning tension high voltage).

(b) your plagiarism of my phrases - not cool. always quote sources.

(c) you lack of comprehension of paragraphing gives me a migraine

(d) you sound suspiciously like uh... Pee

however, i'll oblige and address some of the matters brought up in that garbled mess of a comment. said "fucking guy" is one of my best friends. say what you wish about him, but actions speak louder than words, and Tee and Pee have made it very obvious to the world that THEY are the unreasonable, lying, irrational ones, despite what slander they choose to spread about him, me, or any of our friends.

oh, and i do admit to being a bit of a flirt sometimes, but that doesn't equate to me actually interested in bringing anything to the next level. and as far as i can remember, all i've ever done around said man is talk to him. and by the way, cheap insults on his work are just plain childish.

as for me slapping Tee - i plead self-defense. she hit me first, i merely reciprocated, as i had every right to. if you wish to dispute this fact, i will seek legal counsel to clarify this matter. let it be noted that i have no fucking reason to even wish to lower myself to her standard by initiating such an undignified act.

and very fortunately for myself, i have no need to expend the energy to manipulate anyone when those crazy sisters prove time and again to be incapable of self-restraint or logical thinking, causing only chaos in their wake.

most amusingly, you seem to be claiming to be a man by mentioning something about your "bro" not waking up even if i were to strip in front of you. if you are, indeed, a man (which i highly doubt so), you're probably flattering yourself. with that mindset, and such lousy command of language, you're probably a highly unappealing individual. sorry, not my type.

lastly, you are a fool if you think life's just about sex, appearances and money. maybe that happens to be your priorities, but not mine. very telling of your character, your comment, hahaha.

i owe nobody any apologies, and i need not "repent". i have to agree with you that the truth will set us free. each and every of you liars will be exposed for the ugly creatures you are.