Tuesday 27 July 2010

Speedy Weight-Loss Solution

Ill the entirety of Sunday and Monday with food poisoning, of all things. I'd advise anyone who's planning to dine at Sarakraf's Courtyard to avoid the place at all costs. Or at least not order the oysters, unless nausea, diarrhoea and generally feeling like crap's actually your cuppa. Or, like the post title suggests, you're looking for a palatable solution to losing weight fast.

Can't believe I actually wasted all Monday sleeping off the misery of a churning stomach. Was so sick that I couldn't even keep any drinks down, much less eat, making the last meal I actually had without spewing up was the one on Saturday evening that got me into this predicament in the first place.

That said, though, it was the best sleep I've had since last week, especially after popping a cocktail of Ibuprofen, anti-nausea and anti-diarrhoea pills. Heh heh. Once a pill-head, always a pill-head.

Must catch up with a lot of things today, and start working on straightening some pesky little matters out.

In the meantime - lunch! I think I'll be able to eat something today, and the chicken soup on the table looks pretty appetizing.

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